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Everything posted by Bizzy

  1. Cheat is much easier to use now with the web menu 👍
  2. I have used the rainbow 6 cheat for 2 or 3 months and so far it has been great! Aimbot: 9/10 Accurate, customizable, and fun to use. The psilent is great for both legit and rage and unnoticeable at a low fov, the normal aimbot is good too with plenty of options for legit and rage such as multipoint and autofire to get free wins and rotate bones and retarget delay for legit. One thing it is missing is a vis-check, but idk if I would use one anyway because of all of the objects you can wallbang. ESP: 9/10 Cav esp is great as it also shows the operator and even the direction if they are offscreen, glow is fantatsic for closet cheating as it is basically visual only chams. The only problem I have with hit is the lack of a 3d box esp as sometimes it is hard to know how close/far the enemy is just from cav esp if you have bad gamesense like me. Misc: 9/10 No clip is insanely fun to use getting cheeky kills through walls is hilarious, no flash is great for obvious reasons, no spread makes shield operators op and it is customizable, speedhack and zoom are something I never really used but its cool to have, and finally the best misc feature unlock-all gives you every single skin and operator and that is as great as it sounds. Overall: 8.9 The cheat is op, and honestly a 10/10 just from staying undetected and a reasonable price, but not perfect. It is missing a couple features I would like to see (and the dev has said will come soon) but it is worth every penny in its current state. I was easily able to hit champion rank while looking legit to the point where nobody called me out but I still top fragged. After a menu is added and the other parts I mentioned in the review it will be easily the best.
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