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Posts posted by cupro

  1. Dayz is the only product from this site I have used.

    ESP 9/10
    Player esp has lots of options and useful extras like "flags" so you know if they're scoped in, ammo so you know when they emptied their mag, etc.
    Item esp is well thought out as you can search for items in the menu and filter out any items you don't want shown in the map to prevent esp clutter.
    Zombie esp can customize it so only nearby ones show up that can be annoying/dangerous to you.
    Vehicle esp has everything you need.

    Aimbot 7/10
    The normal aimbot using speed isn't the most accurate and lots of times lags behind the target but I'm not sure if that issue is only on my part or if it is because there's no prediction.
    Normal aimbot still is very useful at close quarter combat.
    Silent aim/murder mode works like its supposed to but in my opinion is way too OP and removes all fun as it is almost impossible to get killed.
    Has some options to make it less obvious that you're using it.

    Misc 10/10
    Crosshair can be handy on servers that don't use crosshair workshop mods.
    Can make lots of configs so you can have different configs for different servers as example which is quite useful.
    World brightness is way superior to nightvision ingame.
    No grass helps a lot with seeing enemies.
    No sway and no recoil makes aiming way easier.

    I highly recommend this cheat and is my to go to whenever I feel like cheating in Dayz.

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